Privacy Policy


At BMC Recruitment Group, we’re committed to the protection of your privacy, this includes and is not limited to our clients, candidates and users of our services.

As part of our privacy policy, BMC Recruitment Group will ensure that the information you submit and provide to us via our website, email communications or any other means adheres to our privacy policy guidelines.

This privacy policy provides you with information about what we do with your personal data, it describes how we collect, use and store your personal data information and how we comply with legal obligations.

As subject to requirements, we may update this policy depending upon legal requirements and data obligations as set out by data protection legislation.

GDPR – how does this impact you and how we store your data?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) replaces the Data Protection Regulation (Directive 95/46/EC) from 25 May 2018. The Regulation aims to harmonise data protection legislation across EU member states, enhancing privacy rights for individuals and providing a strict framework within which commercial organisations can legally operate. Even though the UK has expressed its intention to leave the EU in March 2019, the GDPR will be applicable in the UK from 25th May 2018. Your new rights under the GDPR are set out in this notice but will only apply once the GDPR becomes law on 25th May 2018. Please read the privacy policy carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

Who controls your personal data

The Data Controller is BMC Recruitment Group a company registered in the UK: Company Number 08772636
Address: Suite D1, Milburn House, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1LE
You can contact our data controller at

What is personal data?

The definition of personal data within the Data Protection Act reads:
“Personal data” means data relating to a living individual who is or can be identified either from the data or from the data in conjunction with other information that is in, or is likely to come into, the possession of the data controller.

There is general personal data such as name, address, national insurance number and online identifiers/location data. There is also sensitive personal data which includes information on physical and mental health, sexual orientation, race or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, trade union membership and criminal records. Sensitive personal data must be protected to a higher level.

Who is BMC Recruitment Group and why do we request your data?

BMC Recruitment Group is a specialist search consultancy established in 2015. Our services include the recruitment of professionals within a wide range of sectors. We collate personal data from a wide range of individuals to enable us to operate effectively and undertake business requirements. This includes:

  • Current or prospective clients
  • Current or prospective candidates
  • Suppliers to support our service offering
  • Information relating to our employees, consultants, temporary workers and contractors.

If you’re a candidate, you may have applied to us directly for a role through our website, social media or other online channel such as job boards. Or we may have contacted you via the social media networking site, LinkedIn.

You may have applied directly to us or we may have found your details from a jobs board or social networking site. We are able to process your data if we have a legal basis for doing so. There are six legal bases for processing data but we will rely on (1) your consent to send direct marketing messages about services other than our recruitment services, (2) that the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you, or (3) that we have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data. We collect information about you to carry out our core business and ancillary activities.

Our legitimate interests (carrying on the commercial activity of recruitment services):

In providing our recruitment services, we will carry out some processing of personal data, which is necessary for the purpose of our legitimate interests, which include
Using your personal data:

  • To contact you regarding our Recruitment Services
  • To assess suitability of Candidates and roles, for example, referencing or other feedback
  • To collate market information or trends including providing analysis to potential or actual Clients
  • As otherwise necessary to provide our Recruitment Services and/or to meet our obligations towards either the party whom you represent, or other Clients or suppliers
  • To personalise your experience and our offering, whether via our website or otherwise

Retaining records of our dealings and transactions and where applicable, use such records for the purposes of:

  • Establishing compliance with contractual obligations with Clients or suppliers
  • Addressing any query or dispute that may arise including establishing, exercising or defending any legal claims
  • Protecting our reputation
  • Maintaining a backup of our system, solely for the purpose of being able to restore the system to a particular point in the event of a system failure or security breach
  • Evaluating quality and compliance including compliance with this Privacy Notice
  • Determining staff training and system requirements

How we manage and control your personal data:

BMC Recruitment Group will manage and control the use of data supplied to the business in accordance with legal guidelines.
For information about your data you can email: or call 0191 303 9298.
Candidate Data:

For BMC Recruitment Group to provide you as a candidate, with the best possible and most relevant opportunities, we require relevant information from you – we only ask for data that is necessary, this may include your name, contact details, education and employment history and in some cases financial information (should we need to carry our financial background checks for some roles).

Client Data:

As a client of BMC Recruitment Group, we need to collect and use information about your business, or relevant individuals at your organization in order to develop specifications relating to your recruitment requirements.

Supplier Data:

At BMC Recruitment Group, we will use the services of various suppliers to enable us to fulfil business undertakings. We store contact details for suppliers so that we can contact you and we may also store financial information so we can undertake financial transactions for the services you provide.

Other Stakeholders:

Individuals who supply references and emergency contacts for candidates where applicable will be subject to data storage arrangements for the purpose of the activity – this will be basic information in the event that we need to contact you for referencing purposes or if you’ve been referred to us an emergency contact for an individual.

Website and Social Media Users:

If you make an enquiry via our website or via social media, we will collect the data to enable us to communicate with you regarding your recruitment requirements; we may also use this data for marketing purposes such as email, digital or direct marketing activities. More information on our data marketing policy can be found in this document.

How do we collect your personal data?

We will collect most of this information directly from you when you contact us or via our secure online sources such as our website. We may also collect information from publicly accessible sources, third parties, via our website or information technology systems, which may include CV , Job boards and Linked In for example with some information being publicly available but others being from sites or providers to which we subscribe. From time to time we may also receive personal information about you from hiring organisations, colleagues and former employers, or from persons for whom you have provided services or been otherwise engaged.

How do we use your personal data?

We may use your personal data to enable us to offer you the best possible recruitment service and to ensure the information that we provide to you is as relevant as possible.

Sensitive Personal Data (SPD)

Sensitive personal data is information which is intensely personal to you and is usually irrelevant to our consideration of your suitability for a job role. For example, information which reveals your political, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, race or ethnic origin, or information relating to your health. Regardless of the basis for your dealings with us, we request that you do not provide us with any sensitive personal data unless absolutely necessary. However, to the extent that you do provide us with any sensitive personal data, such as data which you choose to share with us in conversation, we shall only use that data for the purposes of our relationship with you or for the provision of our Recruitment Services. This will be for one or more of the following reasons:

  • You have explicitly consented to the processing
  • For the purpose of our assessment of your suitability for job roles or working capacity
  • Where processing is necessary for the purpose of obligations or rights under employment, social security or social protection.

Who do we share your personal data with?

With your consent, we may share your personal data with prospective employers in order for us to provide candidate profiles that match the recruitment requirements of the prospective employer.

Safeguarding your personal data:

We respect the privacy of your data and all users of our services to make sure that personal data is handled with the utmost confidentiality.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We will delete personal data from our information storage systems after a period of five years, after this period it is likely that your data will no longer be relevant if it has not been updated within that period.

BMC Recruitment Group –Data Marketing Policy:

Unless you specify otherwise, we may use your data for marketing purposes so we can inform you of upcoming, relevant roles and other information we may deem to be useful and relevant to you.

If you have applied directly through our website, for example your data be shared with providers of web analytics services, marketing automation platforms, and social media services.

Changes to this Privacy Notice:

This Privacy Notice is regularly reviewed and may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in our business, or legal or commercial practice. Where an update is relevant to our processing of your data, we shall notify you of the same.

Your Rights:

We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and it is important that you know your rights within that context, which include rights to:

  • Request a copy of the personal data that we hold about you. If you would like to make a request for information, please contact
  • Object to our processing of your data where that processing is based upon legitimate interest and there are no compelling grounds for the continued processing of that data
  • Request that we restrict processing of your data in certain circumstances
  • Request that data is erased where the continued use of that data cannot be justified. Agencies are required to keep certain records such as ID or right to work checks and payroll records for certain periods of time. These obligations will override any request to erase data or any objection to processing for so long as they must keep the data.
  • Object to any decision, which significantly affects you, being taken solely by a computer or via another automated process
  • Withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data for a particular purpose at any stage. However, please note that we may continue to retain, or otherwise use your personal information thereafter where we have a legitimate interest or a legal or contractual obligation to do so. Our processing in that respect will be limited to what is necessary in furtherance of those interests or obligations
  • Request inaccurate or incomplete data is rectified. We will respond to such a request within 1 month.
  • Request that data provided directly by you and processed by automated means is transferred to you or another controller; this right only being applicable where our processing of your data is based either on your consent or in performance of a contract
  • Make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office
  • Request that direct marketing by us to you is stopped:

Please note that should you exercise your right to request that we erase data or cease any processing activity, we may retain a record of this request and the action taken to both evidence our compliance, and to take steps to minimise the prospect of any data being processed in the future should it be received again from a third-party source.

If you have any questions concerning your rights or should you wish to exercise any of these rights please contact: